Linda C. Smith is Professor Emerita, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Linda C. Smith joined the faculty in 1977 and retired in 2019. She taught courses on Information Organization and Access, Reference and Information Services, and Information Sources & Services in the Sciences. She is a past president of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Beta Phi Mu, and the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Section T: Information, Computing and Communication), and a University of Illinois Distinguished Teacher/Scholar. She has been recognized with the Graduate College Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring Award (1998) and the Campus Award for Excellence in Online & Distance Teaching (2007) as well as awards from ASIS&T (Award of Merit, 2010; Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award, 1987) and ALISE (Award for Service to ALISE, 2012; Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education, 2008; Award for Teaching Excellence, 1999).
- Arlene G. Taylor
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (elected 1993)
- Isadore Gilbert Mudge--R.R. Bowker Award, Reference & User Services Association, 2000
- Beta Phi Mu Award, 2004
- ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education, 2008
Abels, E.G.; Howarth, L.C.; Smith, L.C. "Transforming Library and Information Science Education by Design." Advances in Librarianship 44A: 71-89, 2018.
Smith, L.C.; Wong, M.A., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 5th ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2016. 881p.
Abels, E.G.; Howarth, L.C.; Smith, L.C. "Envisioning Our Information Future and How to Educate for It." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 57(2): 84-93, 2016.
Smith, L.C. "From Foundation to Federal Funding: The Impact of Grants on Education for Library and Information Science." Advances in Librarianship 31: 141-165, 2008.
Smith, L.C. "Education for Digital Reference Services." In: Lankes, R. D.; Nicholson, S.; Goodrum, A., eds. The Digital Reference Research Agenda. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2003, pp. 148-176.
Smith, L.C.; Lastra, S.; Robins, J. "Teaching Online: Changing Models of Teaching and Learning in LEEP." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 42(4): 348-363, Fall 2001.
Smith, L.C. "Memex as an Image of Potentiality Revisited." In: Nyce, J. M.; Kahn, P., eds. From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine. Boston, MA: Academic Press, 1991, pp. 261-286.
Smith, L.C. "Citation Analysis." Library Trends 30(1): 83-106, Summer 1981.
Smith, L.C. "Artificial Intelligence in Information Retrieval Systems." Information Processing and Management 12: 189-222, 1976.
Smith, L.C. "Systematic Searching of Abstracts and Indexes in Interdisciplinary Areas." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 25(6): 343-353, November-December 1974.
Smith, L.C. "Procognitive Systems: J.C.R. Licklider's Vision for Library Systems of the Future." Library History Seminar XIII, Boston, July 31-August 2, 2015.
Smith, L.C. "Partnering for Online Course Sharing: Lessons Learned by Schools Participating in the WISE Consortium." ALISE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, January 24, 2014.
Smith, L.C. "'Speaking Volumes': Cuadra, Williams, Cronin and the Evolution of the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology." ASIS&T 2012 Pre-Conference on the History of ASIS&T and Information Science and Technology, Baltimore, October 27, 2012.
Kingma, B.; Nicholson, S.; Schisa, K.; Smith, L.C. "WISE+ Course Development Partnerships: Collaboration, Innovation & Sustainability." Cooperation and Collaboration in Teaching and Research: Trends in Library and Information Studies Education, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Borås, Sweden, August 8-9, 2010.
Smith, L.C. "Making Connections: Librarianship and Interdisciplinarity." Allegheny College Pelletier Library Lecture, Meadville, PA, October 9, 2002.
Smith, L.C. "Pedagogy in Educating Information Specialists: Lessons Learned from Internet-Based Distance Education." German-Dutch University Conference on Information Specialists for the 21st Century, Hannover, Germany, October 14-15, 1999.
Smith, L.C. "Interdisciplinarity: Approaches to Understanding Library and Information Science as an Interdisciplinary Field." International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Tampere, Finland, August 26-28, 1991.
Smith, L.C. "'Wholly New Forms of Encyclopedias': Electronic Knowledge in the Form of Hypertext." (Keynote). 44th FID Conference and Congress, Helsinki, Finland, August 28-September 1, 1988.
Smith, L.C. "Procognitive Systems: Retrospect and Prospect." Informatics 8: Advances in Intelligent Retrieval, Wadham College, Oxford, England, April 16-17, 1985.
Smith, L.C. "'Memex' as an Image of Potentiality in Information Retrieval Research and Development." Joint BCS-ACM Symposium on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, St. John's College, Cambridge, England, June 24-26, 1980.
- Biographies of Famous Librarians : Who's Who in Library and Information Science and Services
- Online Directory of Librarians and Library and Information Science and Services Professionals
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Information Sciences, "Linda C. Smith," https://ischool.illinois.edu/people/linda-c-smith (accessed May 11, 2021).