National Eligibility Test (NET) or the NTA UGC NET in Library and Information Science, is also an exam for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Library and Information Science in Indian universities and colleges. It is also a desired qualification for appointment of the post of librarian in libraries of universities, colleges, and government institutions in India. It has a comprehensive syllabus covering all the areas of Library and Information Science. In this article is given Solved Question Papers of NTA UGC NET exam in Library and Information Science in India. Even if you are from a country other than India, study of these solved UGC NET examination questions and answers will improve your knowledge and understanding of Library and Information Science.
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11. MeSH is the name of a
(A) Medical Library
(B) Controlled Vocabulary
(C) Online Database
(D) CSIR Unit
Answer: (B)
12. ‘Rules for dictionary catalogue’ was devised by:
(A) A. Panizzi
(B) C. C. Jewet
(C) S. Lubetzky
(D) C. A. Cutter
Answer: (D)
13. A gazette gives information about:
(A) Places of tourist interest
(B) History of places
(C) Official announcement and notification
(D) Old records
Answer: (C)
14. Glossary is a:
(A) List of technical words with definitions
(B) List of words in a language
(C) List of thematically arranged words
(D) Alphabetical index to passages of work
Answer: (A)
15. National Library for Blind and Handicapped of India is located at:
(A) Madras
(B) Tanjore
(C) Dehradun
(D) Delhi
Answer: (C)
16. The term ‘Information Retrieval’ was coined by:
(A) H. P. Luhn
(B) Calvin Mooers
(C) Mortimer Taube
(D) Derek Austin
Answer: (B)
17. The term “Hypertext” was coined by
(A) Vannever Bush
(B) John Brown
(C) M. C. Kith
(D) Ted Nelson
Answer: (D)
18. With which agency did UNESCO collaborate to establish UNISIST?
Answer: (A)
19. Which university appointed the first full time university librarian?
(A) Delhi University
(B) Punjab University
(C) Madras University
(D) Calcutta University
Answer: (C)
20. Assertion (A): Classification and indexing have always been of central intellectual interest in IR.
Reason (R): Conceptual analysis of the content of the queries and documents are essential input to an IR system.
(A) (A) is true and (R) is false
(B) (R) is true but (A) is false
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true
(D) (A) and (R) both are partially true
Answer: (C)