National Eligibility Test (NET) or the NTA UGC NET in Library and Information Science, is also an exam for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Library and Information Science in Indian universities and colleges. It is also a desired qualification for appointment of the post of librarian in libraries of universities, colleges, and government institutions in India. It has a comprehensive syllabus covering all the areas of Library and Information Science. In this article is given Solved Question Papers of NTA UGC NET exam in Library and Information Science in India. Even if you are from a country other than India, study of these solved UGC NET examination questions and answers will improve your knowledge and understanding of Library and Information Science.
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41. Match the following:
List – I | List – II |
(a) Zipf’s Law | (i) Law of Scattering |
(b) Eugene Garfield | (ii) Measurement of word frequency |
(c) Bradford’s Law | (iii) Measurement of Author Productivity |
(d) Lotka’s Law | (iv) Impact Factor |
| (a) | (b) | (c) | (d) |
(A) | (i) | (iii) | (iv) | (ii) |
(B) | (ii) | (iv) | (i) | (iii) |
(C) | (i) | (iv) | (ii) | (iii) |
(D) | (iv) | (iii) | (i) | (ii) |
Answer: (B)
42. Match the following:
List – I | List – II |
(a) The Electronic Library | (i) USA |
(b) Library Herald | (ii) Germany |
(c) Library Trends | (iii) United Kingdom |
(d) International Classification | (iv) India |
| (a) | (b) | (C) | (d) |
(A) | (iii) | (iv) | (i) | (ii) |
(B) | (i) | (iv) | (iii) | (ii) |
(C) | (ii) | (i) | (iv) | (iii) |
(D) | (iv) | (ii) | (iii) | (i) |
Answer: (A)
43. Match the following:
List – I | List – II |
(a) Principles of Management | (i) F. W. Taylor |
(b) Functions of Management | (ii) Abraham Maslow |
(c) Theory of Hierarchy of needs | (iii) Luther Gullick |
(d) System school of Management | (iv) Henry Fayol |
| (a) | (b) | (C) | (d) |
(A) | (i) | (iii) | (iv) | (ii) |
(B) | (iii) | (ii) | (i) | (iv) |
(C) | (iv) | (iii) | (ii) | (i) |
(D) | (ii) | (i) | (iv) | (iii) |
Answer: (C)
44. Mach the following:
List – I | List – II |
(a) Dewey Decimal Classification | (i) 1933 |
(b) Colon Classification | (ii) 1876 |
(c) Rider’s International Classification | (iii) 1905 |
(d) Universal Decimal classification | (iv) 1961 |
| (a) | (b) | (C) | (d) |
(A) | (i) | (iii) | (iv) | (ii) |
(B) | (ii) | (iv) | (i) | (iii) |
(C) | (iv) | (i) | (iii) | (ii) |
(D) | (ii) | (i) | (iv) | (iii) |
Answer: (D)
45. Match the following:
List – I | List – II |
(a) Search Engine | (i) Pascal |
(b) Browser | (ii) UNIX |
(c) Operating System | (iii) Yahoo |
(d) Programming Language | (iv) Netscape |
| (a) | (b) | (C) | (d) |
(A) | (iii) | (iv) | (ii) | (i) |
(B) | (ii) | (i) | (iv) | (iii) |
(C) | (i) | (iii) | (iv) | (ii) |
(D) | (iv) | (ii) | (i) | (iii) |
Answer: (A)
After almost 10 years of more liberal policies, there have been increasing concerns among policymakers, academics, and industry analysts about the impacts of liberalization on IT use and production. While the former “market reserve policy” has been widely studied, the impacts of more recent policy have not yet been fully analyzed3. This article is a further contribution to the evaluation of this policy from the point of view of IT diffusion, the development Local industry, technological capabilities, and foreign trade4. It argues that despite the fact that Brazil did not become an international player in global IT markets, continued state involvement has produces substantial fruits. It has revealed local capabilities in areas that require highly skilled professionals rather than unskilled labor, as the conventional international product cycle in the international division of labor would suggest. Greenhouse policy in the past led the Brazilian IT sector to invest “significantly in the accumulation of technological capabilities and develop important backward linkages”. The use-supplier relations established by local firms in areas like banking automation still engender important research and development (R & D) efforts, contributing to the diffusion of IT in line with local needs. Also, the previous existence of both industrial capacity and a skilled workforce has become a driving force in attracting new foreign direct investment in IT production in Brazil to serve the Latin American market.
46. The policy makers of Brazil are primarily concerned with:
(A) Liberalisation and computer Industry.
(B) Brazil’s failure in becoming international player in IT
(C) Impact of liberalizations an IT use and product.
(D) Instability of Brazilian Politics.
Answer: (C)
47. What are the professional skills required to meet the global market?
(A) Un skilled, suitable to local labor needs
(B) Semi skilled suitable to global needs
(C) Skilled suitable to global needs
(D) Highly skilled suitable to local needs
Answer: (D)
48. What was the significance of “Green House Policy” of Brazil?
(A) Investment in R and D sector
(B) Investment in IT sector
(C) Investment in banking sector
(D) Investment in global market
Answer: (B)
49. Effects of customization in different sectors of Brazilian industry are:
(A) Wide study of “Market reserve policy”
(B) Development of local industry
(C) Diffusion of IT in line with local needs
(D) Attracting new foreign direct investment
Answer: (C)
50. What is the driving force that attracted foreign investment in Brazil?
(A) Organised and automated Banking Sector
(B) Industrial capacity and skilled work force
(C) Importance development in R and D sector
(D) Adoption of Green House policy
Answer: (B)