Indicators and Subfield Codes
Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined by type of material. Descriptions of the elements defined for field 008 positions 18-34 are in seven separate sections corresponding to the following type of material configurations: Books (BK), Computer Files (CF), Maps (MP), Music (MU), Continuing Resources (CR), Visual Materials (VM), and Mixed Materials (MX). In this general section, validity of a particular field 008 data element is indicated by V in the composite field 008 table.
Character Positions
All materials
00-05 - Date entered on file
06 - Type of date/Publication status
07-10 - Date 1
11-14 - Date 2
15-17 - Place of publication, production, or execution
18-34 - [See one of the seven separate 008/18-34 configuration sections for these elements.]
35-37 - Language
38 - Modified record
39 - Cataloging source
18-21 - Illustrations
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-27 - Nature of contents
28 - Government publication
29 - Conference publication
30 - Festschrift
31 - Index
32 - Undefined
33 - Literary form
34 - Biography
Computer Files
18-21 - Undefined
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-25 - Undefined
26 - Type of computer file
27 - Undefined
28 - Government publication
29-34 - Undefined
18-19 - Form of composition
20 - Format of music
21 - Music parts
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-29 - Accompanying matter
30-31 - Literary text for sound recordings
32 - Undefined
33 - Transposition and arrangement
34 - Undefined
Continuing Resources
18 - Frequency
19 - Regularity
20 - Undefined
21 - Type of continuing resource
22 - Form of original item
23 - Form of item
24 - Nature of entire work
25-27 - Nature of contents
28 - Government publication
29 - Conference publication
30-32 - Undefined
33 - Original alphabet or script of title
34 - Entry convention
Visual Materials
18-20 - Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings
21 - Undefined
22 - Target audience
23-27 - Undefined
28 - Government publication
29 - Form of item
30-32 - Undefined
33 - Type of visual material
34 - Technique
Forty character positions (00-39) that provide coded information about the record as a whole and about special bibliographic aspects of the item being cataloged. These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.
When a serial or non-serial item being described is a reproduction of a previously existing item and bibliographic information about the reproduction is given in field 533 (Reproduction Note), field 008 is coded for the original except for 008/23 (Form of item) for books, music, continuing resources, and mixed materials and 008/33 (Type of material) for visual materials, which are coded for the reproduction. (When an item is a reproduction, codes defined for certain positions of field 008, which relate to characteristics of the reproduction, are recorded in subfield $7 (Fixed-length data elements of reproduction) in field 533.) For reproductions for which bibliographic information is not given in field 533 (e.g., when a reproduction is being described in the body of the entry or when field 534 (Original Version Note) is used to record information about the original) and for reprints of previously existing items, field 008 is coded for the reproduction or reissue except when cataloging guidelines specifically require coding a particular position for the original.
Data elements are positionally-defined. Character positions that are not defined contain a blank (#). All defined character positions must contain a defined code; for some field 008 positions, this may be the fill character (|). The fill character may be used (in certain character positions) when a cataloging organization makes no attempt to code the character position. The fill character is not allowed in field 008 positions 00-05 (Date entered on file). Its use is discouraged in positions 07-10 (Date 1), 15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution), and the 008 position defined for Form of item (either position 23 or 29 depending upon the 008 configuration).
Character positions 00-17 and 35-39 are defined the same across all types of material, with special consideration for position 06. The definition of character positions 18-34 was done independently for each type of material, although certain data elements are defined the same in the specifications for more than one type of material. When similar data elements are defined for inclusion in field 008 for different types of material, they occupy the same field 008 character positions.
Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined by type of material. Descriptions of the elements defined for field 008 positions 18-34 are in seven separate sections corresponding to the following type of material configurations: Books (BK), Computer Files (CF), Maps (MP), Music (MU), Continuing Resources (CR), Visual Materials (VM), and Mixed Materials (MX). In this general section, validity of a particular field 008 data element is indicated by V in the composite field 008 table.
Character Positions
All materials
00-05 - Date entered on file
06 - Type of date/Publication status
07-10 - Date 1
11-14 - Date 2
15-17 - Place of publication, production, or execution
18-34 - [See one of the seven separate 008/18-34 configuration sections for these elements.]
35-37 - Language
38 - Modified record
39 - Cataloging source
18-21 - Illustrations
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-27 - Nature of contents
28 - Government publication
29 - Conference publication
30 - Festschrift
31 - Index
32 - Undefined
33 - Literary form
34 - Biography
Computer Files
18-21 - Undefined
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-25 - Undefined
26 - Type of computer file
27 - Undefined
28 - Government publication
29-34 - Undefined
18-21 - Relief
22-23 - Projection
24 - Undefined
25 - Type of cartographic material
26-27 - Undefined
28 - Government publication
29 - Form of item
30 - Undefined
31 - Index
32 - Undefined
33-34 - Special format characteristics
18-19 - Form of composition
20 - Format of music
21 - Music parts
22 - Target audience
23 - Form of item
24-29 - Accompanying matter
30-31 - Literary text for sound recordings
32 - Undefined
33 - Transposition and arrangement
34 - Undefined
18 - Frequency
19 - Regularity
20 - Undefined
21 - Type of continuing resource
22 - Form of original item
23 - Form of item
24 - Nature of entire work
25-27 - Nature of contents
28 - Government publication
29 - Conference publication
30-32 - Undefined
33 - Original alphabet or script of title
34 - Entry convention
Visual Materials
18-20 - Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings
21 - Undefined
22 - Target audience
23-27 - Undefined
28 - Government publication
29 - Form of item
30-32 - Undefined
33 - Type of visual material
34 - Technique
Forty character positions (00-39) that provide coded information about the record as a whole and about special bibliographic aspects of the item being cataloged. These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.
When a serial or non-serial item being described is a reproduction of a previously existing item and bibliographic information about the reproduction is given in field 533 (Reproduction Note), field 008 is coded for the original except for 008/23 (Form of item) for books, music, continuing resources, and mixed materials and 008/33 (Type of material) for visual materials, which are coded for the reproduction. (When an item is a reproduction, codes defined for certain positions of field 008, which relate to characteristics of the reproduction, are recorded in subfield $7 (Fixed-length data elements of reproduction) in field 533.) For reproductions for which bibliographic information is not given in field 533 (e.g., when a reproduction is being described in the body of the entry or when field 534 (Original Version Note) is used to record information about the original) and for reprints of previously existing items, field 008 is coded for the reproduction or reissue except when cataloging guidelines specifically require coding a particular position for the original.
Data elements are positionally-defined. Character positions that are not defined contain a blank (#). All defined character positions must contain a defined code; for some field 008 positions, this may be the fill character (|). The fill character may be used (in certain character positions) when a cataloging organization makes no attempt to code the character position. The fill character is not allowed in field 008 positions 00-05 (Date entered on file). Its use is discouraged in positions 07-10 (Date 1), 15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution), and the 008 position defined for Form of item (either position 23 or 29 depending upon the 008 configuration).
Character positions 00-17 and 35-39 are defined the same across all types of material, with special consideration for position 06. The definition of character positions 18-34 was done independently for each type of material, although certain data elements are defined the same in the specifications for more than one type of material. When similar data elements are defined for inclusion in field 008 for different types of material, they occupy the same field 008 character positions.
- This article is a Stub. It will be expanded to achieve the level of a proper encyclopedia article.
- Library of Congress. MARC Standards (accessed October 08, 2017)
- Salman Haider - Librarian Cataloger Blogger
- Written: 2017-10-08
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