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Keyword Augmented in Context (KWAC)

Keyword Augmented in Context (KWAC) Indexing

In Keyword Augmented in Context (KWAC) the acronym KWAC also stands for Keyword and Context. The KWAC system provides for the enrichment of the keywords of the title with additional significant words taken either from the abstract f the document or its contents. Since titles do not always represent the contents of a document fully, the enrichment minimizes this limitation. The problem of false retrieval, which is inherent in a purely title based indexing system, is solved to some extent.

For example, consider a title of a document ‘Expert System’. Here, in this case, the title is not clearly expressing the contents of the document. So the abstract of the document or even the contents itself may be consulted to find the significant words, which should be added to the title to make it expressive. E.g. the above example may result in, Expert  System in Library then the index should be prepared either by KWIC or by KWAC system

  • Information Access Through The Subject : An Annotated Bibliography (Chapter 3) / by Salman Haider. - Online : OpenThesis, 2015. (408 pages ; 23 cm.)
Annotated bibliography titled Information Access Through The Subject covering Subject Indexing, Subject Cataloging, Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Subject Approaches in Bibliographic and Non-Bibliographic Databases etc. 

  • Revised 2019-07-04
  • Written 2017-02-25